<aside> 🔐 September 27, 2024: Maxium is currently available in beta for eligible businesses only


We’re building a new way to manage the engineering teams of the future

Time is an engineer’s most valuable resource and they spend the majority of it outside of the IDE. Yet, you find yourself unable to understand how your engineers spend the majority of their time between planned and unplanned work, degrading your ability to cultivate an effective environment for your engineers to work.

Ultimately, this will leave your engineers frustrated, unmotivated, and not achieving much. At the core of this is an inability to (a) measure output accurately and (b) attribute efforts to the right type of work, and Maxium solves this one issue at a time.

Defining engineering success

We think of engineering success as a vector with direction and speed for which you also need to understand the health of the organisation carrying it out. Based on which Maxium defines a framework for engineering success at your organisation that looks at 3 different pillars:

Achieving engineering success

Given we have a clear definition of what is engineering success, we go about achieving it in two different ways:


We are always looking for feedback from the community on how to improve our framework in guiding our product direction. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] by email or Slack.